Davis Math Mastery

1. Assessment

The assessment takes about 1 ½-2 hours. During that time, there would be a series of questions asked of the potential client and his/her parents/partner. The questions are designed to learn how the learning issue impacts both school and life. Time is spent in learning how best to orient the potential client if they decide to proceed, and in getting an overview of what can be expected during a program. This time allows the client to get a feel for the facilitator and to gather enough information to make an informed decision. There is time for questions and concerns. Part of the purpose of this assessment is to determine the client's goals for the program.

2. Five-to-Eight-Day Program

Introduce Davis Tools

  • Orientation - Our program offers the opportunity to experience disorientation while you’re aware. For those who learn differently, disorientation is a natural reaction to confusion, but isn’t helpful when trying to read. It also enables you to get oriented anytime you need/want to.
  • Dial Setting - Using your imagination to control your energy which allows you control of your energy when you want.
  • Release - Which allows you to release tension just by wanting it.


The client will receive a Math Mastery Student Manual, 2 pounds of modeling clay, 2 Koosh balls, and a Mathematics dictionary.

Alphabet Mastery

This gives the client a chance to become familiar with disorientation and the process by which they can master the basic concepts (including letters and puncuation marks) needed to address their attention issues.

Mastery of Basic Concepts

The client will master the concepts of self, change, consequence, before/after, cause/effect, time, sequence and order/disorder. There are 3 creating order exercises that bring into real life experience how to create order. All concepts are explored in life.

Davis Math Function exercises

Twelve exercises leading to competency with arithmetic (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing).

Symbol Mastery practice

on Story Problem Trigger words.

Comprehension practice

for reading story problems, as needed.

Exit interview

to determine that the goals of the Program have been met and that a clear grasp of the Davis tools has been achieved.

Support Training

This will be provided to parents, or other designated individuals. It will include instruction in Davis Symbol Mastery for the 21 Math Trigger Words and key glossary words for math subjects. A follow-up schedule is created and agreed upon.

3. Follow Up

Up to 6 hours of follow-up is included in the Program fee. The individual is responsible to complete the Symbol Mastery modeling of the math trigger words



The client will have learned and become comfortable with the Davis tools of orientation, release and dial. They will have knowledge and experience with learning methods for mastering mathematical words and symbols. They will have a solid grasp of basic concepts for understanding math, and a thorough understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division principles.


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Meet the Instructor: Jean Moser

I love helping people learn how to learn . 

I discovered that I am dyslexic while I was in training. It was freeing to realize that, although I struggled in my college studies, it wasn’t because I wasn’t trying hard enough. It was because I needed a different way to learn.

My son struggled to read and do math although he was bright, talented and eager to learn.  After years of trying numerous other things, we found the Davis Dyslexia Correction program. In 5 days, he was reading on grade level.  After completing the math program he was able to do math successfully. He went on to complete college with honors.

The Davis methods use our imaginations (what we’re good at) to help us learn. I have also helped people with the Young Learners kit/program.  I have been licensed for 15 years and have helped over 150 people with these methods. 

Jean moser learning tools for dyslexia